ASIS-CTF Finals 2014 - CapLow (75pts) writeup
The challenge description was: Our new agent encrypt a message like this, let us know what he wanted to say!
So let's find out what this agent wanted to say, this definitely looks like base64 encoded data:
mrt:~/asis/caplow$ echo "qvnju181mjziote0zge4mdk0odi4odfmnmnmnmi5zjm2yzy3mq==" | base64 --decode
Obviously it's scrambled because it's all lower case, let's try the uppercase version:
mrt:~/asis/caplow$ echo "QVNJU181MJZIOTE0ZGE4MDK0ODI4ODFMNMNMNMI5ZJM2YZY3MQ==" | base64 --decode
Much better, so we know that we need to find the proper casing for the base64 string in order to get the flag. While making a script to do that could be fun I decided to go manually but chunks of 8 letters:
mrt:~/asis/caplow$ echo "QVNJU181" | base64 --decode
mrt:~/asis/caplow$ echo "MjZiOTE0" | base64 --decode
And after a couple minutes:
mrt:~/asis/caplow$ echo "QVNJU181MjZiOTE0ZGE4MDk0ODI4ODFmNmNmNmI5ZjM2YzY3MQ==" | base64 --decode
We got our flag: