PoliCTF 2015 - Reversemeplz (200pts) writeup

The challenge description was: Last month I was trying to simplify an algorithm.. and I found how to mess up a source really really bad. And then this challenge is born. Maybe is really simple or maybe is so hard that all of you will give up. Good luck!

A binary was provided so let's have a look at it:

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ file challenge
challenge: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,
BuildID[sha1]=da884e304160351da7785e93dc168eecafe770ed, stripped

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ ./challenge
Wrong input.

It's not doing much, let's have a look at the dump and try understanding what is happening:

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ objdump -d -M intel challenge > dump

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ less dump

challenge: file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .init:

8048390: 8d 4c 24 04 lea ecx,[esp+0x4]
8048394: 83 e4 f0 and esp,0xfffffff0
8048397: ff 71 fc push DWORD PTR [ecx-0x4]
804839a: 55 push ebp
804839b: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp
804839d: 56 push esi
804839e: 53 push ebx
804839f: 51 push ecx
80483a0: 8d b5 68 ff ff ff lea esi,[ebp-0x98]
80483a6: 81 ec 18 01 00 00 sub esp,0x118
80483ac: 56 push esi
80483ad: e8 7e ff ff ff call 8048330 <gets@plt> ; get user input
80483b2: 89 34 24 mov DWORD PTR [esp],esi
80483b5: e8 47 04 00 00 call 8048801 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x481>; check input
80483ba: 83 c4 10 add esp,0x10
80483bd: 85 c0 test eax,eax
80483bf: 74 2e je 80483ef <__libc_start_main@plt+0x6f> ; if 0 invalid input

So the function at 0x8048801 is checking the user input and if it fails will return 0 in eax. Let's see what this function does:

8048801: 55 push ebp
8048802: b9 0f 00 00 00 mov ecx,0xf
8048807: 89 e5 mov ebp,esp
8048809: 57 push edi
804880a: 56 push esi
804880b: 53 push ebx
804880c: 8d 7d b8 lea edi,[ebp-0x48]
804880f: be 80 89 04 08 mov esi,0x8048980
8048814: 83 ec 50 sub esp,0x50
8048817: 8b 5d 08 mov ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
804881a: f3 a5 rep movs DWORD PTR es:[edi],DWORD PTR ds:[esi]
804881c: 31 ff xor edi,edi
804881e: 31 f6 xor esi,esi
8048820: 80 3c 33 60 cmp BYTE PTR [ebx+esi*1],0x60 ; check user input char
8048824: 7f 10 jg 8048836 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4b6> ; jump greater 0x60 - `
8048826: 8a 43 01 mov al,BYTE PTR [ebx+0x1]
8048829: 83 e0 01 and eax,0x1
804882c: 50 push eax
804882d: e8 e7 fc ff ff call 8048519 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x199> ; rot13
8048832: 88 04 33 mov BYTE PTR [ebx+esi*1],al
8048835: 58 pop eax
8048836: 80 3c 33 7a cmp BYTE PTR [ebx+esi*1],0x7a ; jump lower equal 0x7a - z
804883a: 7e 13 jle 804884f <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4cf>
804883c: 8a 43 01 mov al,BYTE PTR [ebx+0x1]
804883f: 83 e0 02 and eax,0x2
8048842: 0f be c0 movsx eax,al
8048845: 50 push eax
8048846: e8 ce fc ff ff call 8048519 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x199> ; rot13
804884b: 88 04 33 mov BYTE PTR [ebx+esi*1],al
804884e: 59 pop ecx
804884f: 0f be 04 33 movsx eax,BYTE PTR [ebx+esi*1]
8048853: 50 push eax
8048854: e8 c0 fc ff ff call 8048519 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x199> ; rot13
8048859: 3c cc cmp al,0xcc
804885b: 88 44 35 a8 mov BYTE PTR [ebp+esi*1-0x58],al
804885f: 5a pop edx
8048860: 76 0a jbe 804886c <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4ec>
8048862: 3c cf cmp al,0xcf
8048864: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax,0x1
8048869: 0f 45 f8 cmovne edi,eax
804886c: 46 inc esi
804886d: 83 fe 0f cmp esi,0xf ; check that all chars have been processed
8048870: 75 ae jne 8048820 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4a0> ;
8048872: 31 c0 xor eax,eax
8048874: 4f dec edi
8048875: 75 09 jne 8048880 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x500> ; must be true to get proper key
8048877: 31 c0 xor eax,eax ; return false
8048879: eb 51 jmp 80488cc <__libc_start_main@plt+0x54c> ; bad key
804887b: 83 f8 0e cmp eax,0xe ; 14 chars long
804887e: 74 15 je 8048895 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x515>
8048880: 40 inc eax ; increment offset
8048881: 0f b6 54 05 a8 movzx edx,BYTE PTR [ebp+eax*1-0x58] ; 2nd input char + offset in edx
8048886: 0f b6 4c 05 a7 movzx ecx,BYTE PTR [ebp+eax*1-0x59] ; 1st input char + offset in ecx
804888b: 29 ca sub edx,ecx ; edx - ecx
804888d: 3b 54 85 b4 cmp edx,DWORD PTR [ebp+eax*4-0x4c] ; compare result with ebp + offset*4-0x4c
8048891: 74 e8 je 804887b <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4fb> ; continue if equal
8048893: eb e2 jmp 8048877 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4f7> ; jump to return false
8048895: 80 7b 0f 00 cmp BYTE PTR [ebx+0xf],0x0 ; 15th char must be null byte
8048899: 74 13 je 80488ae <__libc_start_main@plt+0x52e>
804889b: 8a 55 a9 mov dl,BYTE PTR [ebp-0x57]
804889e: 8a 45 a8 mov al,BYTE PTR [ebp-0x58]
80488a1: 3c cc cmp al,0xcc
80488a3: 8d 4a ff lea ecx,[edx-0x1]
80488a6: 74 cf je 8048877 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4f7> ; jump to return false
80488a8: 31 d0 xor eax,edx
80488aa: 88 ca mov dl,cl
80488ac: eb f3 jmp 80488a1 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x521>
80488ae: 6a 00 push 0x0
80488b0: e8 64 fc ff ff call 8048519 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x199> ; rot13
80488b5: 85 c0 test eax,eax
80488b7: 59 pop ecx
80488b8: 75 bd jne 8048877 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x4f7> ; jump to return false
80488ba: 0f b6 03 movzx eax,BYTE PTR [ebx]
80488bd: 50 push eax
80488be: e8 56 fc ff ff call 8048519 <__libc_start_main@plt+0x199> ; rot13
80488c3: 5a pop edx
80488c4: 3c 62 cmp al,0x62 ; last validation
80488c6: 0f 94 c0 sete al ; input must start with 0x62 (b)
80488c9: 0f b6 c0 movzx eax,al
80488cc: 8d 65 f4 lea esp,[ebp-0xc]
80488cf: 5b pop ebx
80488d0: 5e pop esi
80488d1: 5f pop edi
80488d2: 5d pop ebp
80488d3: c3 ret

My notes might be a bit confusing but there is really only a couple important addresses in the dump. 0x8048877 sets eax to 0 to specify it failed during input validation and return, so each jump to this address means an important piece of the validation process has been done before that.

From this single function we know that the input must be 14 characters long (+1 for the null byte) and must contains only lowercase a-z. Finding out what the function call at 0x8048519 does exactly isn't even necessary if you just look at the addresses 0x8048881 to 0x8048891 where it substracts the current character with the earlier and compare with a value in memory.

Time to start gdb, set a breakpoint at address 0x8048881, run the program, enter 14 lowercase chars and see what happens:

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ gdb ./challenge

Reading symbols from ./challenge...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
gdb$ b * 0x8048881
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048881
gdb$ r
Starting program: /home/mrt/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz/challenge
EAX: 0x00000001 EBX: 0xFFFFD600 ECX: 0x00000048 EDX: 0x0000005E o d I t s z a p c
ESI: 0x0000000F EDI: 0xFFFFFFFF EBP: 0xFFFFD568 ESP: 0xFFFFD50C EIP: 0x08048881
CS: 0023 DS: 002B ES: 002B FS: 0000 GS: 0063 SS: 002B
0xFFFFD55C : 00 50 FC F7 00 D6 FF FF - 00 00 00 00 98 D6 FF FF .P..............
0xFFFFD54C : 06 00 00 00 F8 FF FF FF - F6 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 ................
0xFFFFD53C : FD FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 - 06 00 00 00 F5 FF FF FF ................
0xFFFFD52C : 03 00 00 00 F8 FF FF FF - 05 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 ................
0xFFFFD51C : 6E 6E 10 08 FF FF FF FF - 11 00 00 00 F5 FF FF FF nn..............
0xFFFFD50C : 0A 00 00 00 6E 6E 6E 6E - 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E ....nnnnnnnnnnnn
0xFFFFD50C : 0A 00 00 00 6E 6E 6E 6E - 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E ....nnnnnnnnnnnn
0xFFFFD51C : 6E 6E 10 08 FF FF FF FF - 11 00 00 00 F5 FF FF FF nn..............
0xFFFFD52C : 03 00 00 00 F8 FF FF FF - 05 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 ................
0xFFFFD53C : FD FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 - 06 00 00 00 F5 FF FF FF ................
0xFFFFD54C : 06 00 00 00 F8 FF FF FF - F6 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 ................
0xFFFFD55C : 00 50 FC F7 00 D6 FF FF - 00 00 00 00 98 D6 FF FF .P..............
0xFFFFD56C : BA 83 04 08 00 D6 FF FF - 71 EA B1 07 2E 4E 3D F6 ........q....N=.
0xFFFFD57C : C8 2E E2 F7 F8 BB E2 F7 - 06 0D FF F7 00 D0 FF F7 ................
=> 0x8048881: movzx edx,BYTE PTR [ebp+eax*1-0x58]
0x8048886: movzx ecx,BYTE PTR [ebp+eax*1-0x59]
0x804888b: sub edx,ecx
0x804888d: cmp edx,DWORD PTR [ebp+eax*4-0x4c]
0x8048891: je 0x804887b
0x8048893: jmp 0x8048877
0x8048895: cmp BYTE PTR [ebx+0xf],0x0
0x8048899: je 0x80488ae

Breakpoint 1, 0x08048881 in ?? ()

Our input aaaaaaaaaaaaaa became nnnnnnnnnnnnnn after the call of the function at 0x8048519, this is a ROT13 cipher. It doesn't really matter actually to solve this since we are only interested in the value compared at 0x804888d. Current letter is subtracted to the previous one and the result must match the one in memory pointed by ebp+eax*4-0x4c.

Let's list the values we have to match:

gdb$ x/14x $ebp+$eax*4-0x4c
0xffffd520: 0xffffffff 0x00000011 0xfffffff5 0x00000003
0xffffd530: 0xfffffff8 0x00000005 0x0000000e 0xfffffffd
0xffffd540: 0x00000001 0x00000006 0xfffffff5 0x00000006
0xffffd550: 0xfffffff8 0xfffffff6

Which means our second character in our input substracted to the first should be -1. (0xffffffff) At this point it was possible to make a script to solve this automatically and pick the proper letter and shift everything until all values are matched. But I guess it would have taken me longer than doing it manually, so I started with baaaaaaaaaaaaa to see if the first check would be validated. Just keep in mind that our input will be a ROT13 cipher, meaning our input becomes onnnnnnnnnnnnn. The value of the character n is 0x6e, substracted to o which is 0x6f returns -1. And so on for the next characters.

If a substraction cannot meet the value specified in memory, shifting all characters value would be enough to end up with a valid input.

When you manage to pass all validations, you should have your flag. Although it is possible to pass all validations there is one last check at 0x80488c4 comparing the first character of your input with 0x62 (b), if it doesn't match it will fail validation.

Which means pofuxpuifgmbhzp would pass all but the last validation. The letter b after ROT13 result in the letter o which means our input must start with o and all other letters must be shifted accordingly to match this change.

In the case of pofuxpuifgmbhzp, if we shift all letters by -0x1 to match p to o we get our proper input: onetwotheflagyo

mrt:~/ctf/polictf/reversing/reversemeplz$ ./challenge
The flag is flag{onetwotheflagyo}

We got our flag:
